Google Search Console

  Google Search Console Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status, improve visibility of websites, to check site map, crawl rate controlling, to know crawl status and for country settings.  Earlier  the service was called as Google Webmaster Tools.  Google introduced search console in January 2018.  How we can add Blog to Google Search Console? First we need to copy the URL of the Home page of blog. Then paste it on the URL inspection box of Search Console. Then click Enter→ Live Test→ Request Indexing. After that we can see that our blog available on Google. Repeat same step by copying the URL of that Blog.  Google Search Console- Verification of Ownership There are 5 steps to verify the ownership. You need verify the ownership if you logged in a mail id and verifying post in another mail id in google console.  Methods HTML file upload verification method HTML metatag method Google analytics method Google tag manager Domain Name

History and Evolution of Search Engine Optimization

SEO Image

History of SEO

Search Engine Optimization, is a practice for increasing quality results in google. Larry Page and Sergey Brin found SEO. Now a days Google plays a major role in our life. For every knowledge we came to search in Google. It is very important to know about Google when we come to learn history of SEO or Search Engine Optimization. There are many search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Google etc... In the first days google couldn't give the search results immediately, google collect the details and send the user's wanted details via e-mail within 24 hrs.

September 11 Attacks

The September 11 attacks, is also called 9/11, were a series of terrorist attacks by the Islamist terrorist group Al-Qaeda against the United States on the morning of Tuesday, September 112001. At that time google couldn't give search results about the attack. Because Web pages are not crawlable by google at that time.

What is Google Bot?

Googlebot is the web crawler software used by Google, which collects documents from the web to build a searchable index for the google search engine. The bot crawls every page it's allowed to access to and takes snapshot (cache) and adds it to the index; where it can be accessed and returned by user's search queries. There are different types of bots; Google bot, Spider, Robot, Bot.

Google Bot

On Page SEO or On Site Optimization

On Page SEO is the Practice of optimizing individual webpages in order to rank higher and earn more relevant. Simply means that making changes inside the webpages may increase the ranking of that webpages, which means easily crawlable by Google.

On Page SEO

How to make Webpages crawlable?

Only Webmasters can crawl webpages. Web master is the one who controls the webpage. But google officials said that; the website optimization practice is secret and can't reveal it to public. Then a book called SEO Starter Guide shared publicly. It includes 32 pages and also the details about how to crawl the webpages. 

Evolution of SEO

๐Ÿ‘‰Content Specific/ Niche Specific

Content specific means that we will add relevant contents in our webpages; in order to get higher rank to our webpage. For example; if our website is about travel then the content is about travelogues and trips done by us. If our website/page is about Beauty then the contents are like beauty tips etc...

SEO Practice

1.White Hat SEO Technique
2. Black Hat SEO Technique

White Hat SEO Technique

The SEO practice done ethically called white hat SEO Technique; that target a human audience opposed to a search engine.

Black Hat SEO Technique

The SEO practice done unethically called black Hat SEO Technique. Used to get higher search rankings, and breaking search engine rules. Black hat SEO focuses on only search engines and not so much a human audience

Eg: Keyword Stuffing

Keyword Stuffing is a black hat SEO practice in which keywords stuffed in the webpages in order to get higher rank to the webpage. As number of keywords increases then ranking of page also increases. But some people used this to get high rank to their pages, then webpages without enough contents or poor quality contents got higher rank. Google realized that and didn't encouraged it. 

Keyword Metatag is a practice in which meta tags inserted in the header of the webpage to provide search engines with information about our pages that isn't visible on the page itself. User can't see this information. Keyword Metatag banned on 21st September 2009.

๐Ÿ‘‰Link Specific

It is another method to increase ranking of webpages. Link from a webpage taken by other webpage to get higher rank. Simply means that the link of a webpage put in other webpages, when a visitor comes in the webpage navigated to another webpage through that webpages link then ranking increases. As the number of links increases ranking of pages also increases. But some people arrived to buy and sell link for money. Then webpages with low quality information got higher ranks. Google didn't encourage this method too. 

๐Ÿ‘‰Quality Link Specific

Google introduced Page rank/ Trust Value. Webpages get rated out of 10 when link spamming activities increased. Google awarded page rank to a webpage in accordance with almost 200 factors. Page Rank of a webpage increases when link of a page drop in a high ranked webpage. 

Passing Juice SEO

Link juice is the term used in the SEO world to refer to the value or equity passed from one page or site to another. This value is passed through hyperlinks. Search engines see links as votes by other websites that your page is valuable and worth promoting. 

Passing Juice Dofollow

Eg: Consider two webpages A & B. A passes equity to B when B takes a link from A. Then the rank of the equity given websites A decreases as A is not getting equity from other websites. To solve that issue; they used rel=''nofollow'' There also selling and buying of links occurred. 

Passing Juice Nofollow

Google AdWords

Google Ads is an online advertising platform developed by Google, where advertisers display brief advertisements, their service, offers, new launched products, it's videos users. It can place ads both in the results of search engines and on mobile apps.

Pay Per Click - PPC

PPC or Pay Per Click is a type of online marketing in which an advertiser pay a fee for each time when one of their ads is clicked. The amount will decrease with each click of inquiry and also it remains the same in account until there is no clicks occurred; which means there is no validity and its refundable. 

Pay Per Impression - PPI

Pay-per-impression is a method that pays based on the number of impressions, or views, that an ad get.

Cost Per Click - CPC

Cost per click is the term where an advertiser pays a cost to a ad publisher for every click on the ad. CPC is also called pay per click (PPC).

Ad Score & Copy Score

Ad Score = Copy Score + Bit rate

Google Ad Sense

Its a method to earn money from Google Ad Sense. Optimizing the ad to give more chance to be seen and clicked. Ad sense is free, Google will pay you for clicks or impression on the google ads. The threshold amount is 100 dollars.

Click Through Rate - CTR

The ratio of users who click on a specific link to the number of total users who view a page, E-mail or ad. It is commonly used to measure the success of an online advertising program for the website. 


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