Google Search Console

  Google Search Console Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status, improve visibility of websites, to check site map, crawl rate controlling, to know crawl status and for country settings.  Earlier  the service was called as Google Webmaster Tools.  Google introduced search console in January 2018.  How we can add Blog to Google Search Console? First we need to copy the URL of the Home page of blog. Then paste it on the URL inspection box of Search Console. Then click Enter→ Live Test→ Request Indexing. After that we can see that our blog available on Google. Repeat same step by copying the URL of that Blog.  Google Search Console- Verification of Ownership There are 5 steps to verify the ownership. You need verify the ownership if you logged in a mail id and verifying post in another mail id in google console.  Methods HTML file upload verification method HTML metatag method Google analytics method Google tag manager Domain Name

SEO On Page Optimization

SEO On Page Optimization

SEO On Page/ On Site Optimization

SEO On Page Optimization is the practice of making changes inside the website in order to improve the quality and quantity of website and also for getting impression and there by to get more ranking of pages.  In this practice we need to optimize title, content, image and meta tags too. Lets discuss each optimization tips below;

SEO Title Optimization

SEO Title Optimization

It is very important portion in SEO. Title is the major part which explains about the webpage in a short term. The title is the focusing word in which a reader looks first. It should be a meaningful sentence with focusing keyword. Not use full block letters and also not use complete small letters. The starting character should be in block letters. And also the letters should not be more than 55-60 characters. The maximum pixel width is 512 pixels. When pixel width increases then a user can't understand about the content then probability to click in that decreases. If pixel length increases then impression decreases. CTR also decreases. Never include low quality contents or contents with grammatical mistakes. Often we search something with spelling mistakes but google gives the correct results which we need to know. SEO title should have minimum 3 words. If we give only 2 words or less google can't crawl it perfectly. Giving unique title in each page is better.

Google Search Console

Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status and optimize visibility of their websites. Earlier the service was called Google Webmaster Tools. 

Keyword Cannibalism

It means that in a website if the pages have same title then the pages will compete with each other, then ranking decreases. 

Meta Description 

It is used to summarize the content in a webpage. In a snippet we can see title, URL and description in case of desktop. Then the description should be in small letters and not more than 1024 pixels or 155 words in the case of  blog or article, leave space for date. in the case of web pages the character limitation is 155-160. Giving unique description and focusing keyword is better. If there is no description then we can see content in the snippet; or if there is no contents we can see html code of  website. 

<meta name = 'robots' content='index.follow'/>  //instruction to google bots; means that give permission to index and follow the page by google.

<meta name = 'robots' content='noindex.nofollow'/>  //instruction to google bots; means that don't give permission to index and follow the page by google.

h1, h2, h3 & h4/ Header Tags

  • h1 is the identity portion in a webpage; in which a reader eyes stuck first. 
  • h1 should be a catching one and it should contain focusing keyword.
  • Limit the word count of h1 with 7-8 words. Never exceed 10 words.
  • Strictly avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes in h1.
  • Use only one h1
  • h2 is the second main heading. We use only one h2 in a webpage.
  • In the case of h3 we can use 2-3 times. 
  • Contents after h3 and h2 must related to h3 & h2. 

Long Tailed Keyword

When we use Long tailed keyword, then it will helps to navigate correctly to a webpage, in which it express the complete details about the webpage. 

Eg: "Buy breathable running socks"

SEO Content Optimization

SEO Content Optimization
Contents plays a major role in the website, where we get more details that we searched for. So that if the content is more informative and easily understandable then ranking also increases. 

Content Optimization Tips

  • Add keywords 2-3 times
  • Arrange keywords visible to user area
  • Arrange keyword before full stop or coma
  • Arrange contents in a easily readable manner
  • Arrange body portion easily readable to mobile users too
  • Use important words in bold characters
  • Use fresh, quality, unique contents and also user friendly
  • Avoid complex and lengthy sentence
  • Use less than 20 words in a sentence
  • Use focusing keyword/ synonyms in the first sentence
  • Use focusing keyword at least 2 times in the body portion

Anchor Text

  • Hyperlink added keywords are called Anchor Text
  • It will be decorated
  • Anchor text works as a fuel to boost up the crawling process
  • Do not use focusing keyword as anchor text, it will navigate to another website and its like recommendation
eg: <a href="">Softloom/a>         //Anchor Tag, Softloom is anchor text

Reading Ease score

Its the measure of how easily a reader can read the content and its expressed in percentage. How easy to read then ranking increases. 

SEO Image Optimization

SEO Image Optimization

Image is the most attractive part in a webpage. How attractive and understandable the image then ranking will increase.

Image Optimization Tips 

  • Use simple images with high quality.
  • Use easily identifiable images
  • Save images with same file name and also do not use space while saving
  • image used in a page should be quick loading and optimized one

Old School SEO Practices

Fake News

Not arranging contents in readable or useful for user 
Bold characters will increase impression

In 2011 Google published official video about this; and in that video Mattew Guts answered to the questions about this:

  • If there is a big paragraph and if we give boldness for some words then a user can easily read that.
  • If we add focusing keyword in bold, the reader can easily identify the content.
  • Not only consider bots, but also consider user, so that make contents easily catchable by users.
  • If we put keywords before coma or full stop, then user can easily read that.
  • Including focusing keyword in the sliding portion or banner in a website is good.

Keyword Density

It is the measure of percentage of keyword in a content. The minimum for ranking is 5%. Using 2-3 times a keyword will increase ranking.


I have already posted blog on Important Google Algorithm Updates. You can visit my blog for more details. 


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