Google Search Console

  Google Search Console Google Search Console is a web service by Google which allows webmasters to check indexing status, improve visibility of websites, to check site map, crawl rate controlling, to know crawl status and for country settings.  Earlier  the service was called as Google Webmaster Tools.  Google introduced search console in January 2018.  How we can add Blog to Google Search Console? First we need to copy the URL of the Home page of blog. Then paste it on the URL inspection box of Search Console. Then click Enter→ Live Test→ Request Indexing. After that we can see that our blog available on Google. Repeat same step by copying the URL of that Blog.  Google Search Console- Verification of Ownership There are 5 steps to verify the ownership. You need verify the ownership if you logged in a mail id and verifying post in another mail id in google console.  Methods HTML file upload verification method HTML metatag method Google analytics method Google tag manager Domain Name

Important Google Algorithm Updates

Google Algorithm Updates 

Google Algorithm Updates

👉 2009

Personalized Search Results

Google identifies the search history of people and according to that google gives results to user's searches. Like Suggested or Recommended for you. 

User Interaction 

According to user's interaction in a webpage; ranking variation occurs. If a user comments or make conversation within a webpage then according to that interaction of user the page gets higher rank.

Bounce Rate & Exit rate

A bounce rate is the amount of visitors to a website who exits of the site after viewing only one page and not entering to the inner pages. Exit rate is the percentage of people who left the site from a particular page. Bothe are expressed in percentage. 

👉 2010

Social Media Signaling 

Social Media signaling refers to a webpage's collective shares, likes and overall social media visibility of a website. A web page gets rank when likes from topic or content related person or like from the person who have influential power. 


Google Panda Update

Google Panda update is a google update against content spamming. To increase ranking, people did lots of things against rules and also exceeded the use of content spamming activities. Then google couldn't give quality results. Google needs trust from people by giving good results for their needs. 

Panda Update

Content Spamming Activities

1. Content Duplication

It means that contents from a websites copied to another website.

2. Low Quality Contents

Contents with grammatical or spelling mistakes in a website may decrease the ranking of pages.

3. Content Spinning

If there is more than one page in a website then content in a page copied to next page and shuffled it's position. 

4. Content Automation

Contents automatically fetched from other websites/pages.
5. Thin Page

Webpages without enough or irrelevant contents is referred to as thin pages.

6. Keyword Stuffing
Keywords stuffed inside the webpages. 

Keyword Synonyms

Keyword synonyms used instead of keyword keyword stuffing in order to avoid issues. Simply means using different words with same meaning of keywords.

Panda 4.0 Update

In 2014 Google ass panda as a permeant filter against content spamming activities.

👉 2012

Penguin Update 

Google Update Against link spamming.

Penguin Update

Link Spamming Activities

1. Paid Links
Selling and buying of link for payment.
2. Link Exchange
Link exchange between two parties for their website ranking.
3. Low Quality Links
If links come from a site that does not have unique content i.e; a site considered low quality those links would be low quality as well. Search engines can identify unique content easily because they have records of every bit of content they've crawled.
4. Comment Spamming

One person comments his website link in another page in order to get visit. 

5. Link Farming

Automatically building links. Websites provides offers to build links.

6. Wiki Spamming

Wikipedia is editable, so that people can easily put their links in Wikipedia page.    

7. Guest Blogging

Guest blogging, also called “guest posting,” is the act of writing content for another company's website. Generally, guest bloggers write for similar blogs within their industry in order to: Attract traffic back to their website. Boost their domain authority using external links to high-authority domains.

Penguin 4.0 
Its a google update for Real Time Updation.

Pigeon Update

👉 2014

The google update related to Local SEO/ Local Ranking. This update was launched on July 24, 2014. The update is aimed to increase the ranking of local listing in a search.

Pigeon Update

👉 2013

Hummingbird Update

Its a google update based on feedback of user. This update provides search results in an interactive way.

Humming Bird Update

👉 2015

RankBrain Update

Its a google update where there google introduced AI or Artificial Intelligence. Prediction by google using AI according to the user's interaction and search history. In RankBrain machine learning, means self learning the activities by machine used. Its mainly used to give good quality and exact search results.

Rank Brain Update

👉 2012

Parked Domain Update

We purchase a web address which we do not making a development in it. Means it parked for future purpose. Then the webpage typically has no contents. There is only ads or URL or any links. This update is against Parking domains. It launched on 16 April 2012.

Parked Domain Update

👉 2012

EMD - Exact Match Domain Update

Its an update launched on September 2012. Its mainly to prevent poor quality sites. If we put same keyword in the website name same as the service we providing, then the page will get ranked.


EMD Update

👉 2012

Pirate Update

Its a filter introduced in 2012 against copyrighting. Means copying images or videos or contents from a website and republishing it in another website. According to DMCA or Digital Millennium Copyright Act, we can complaint against copyright activities.

Google DMCA

👉 2015

Mobile Friendly Update

Google Mobile friendly update launched on 21st April 2015. It implies that content should be readable without tapping and zooming on mobiles. The button which navigates to another page should have a minimum distance. The page should avoid unplayable content and horizontal scrolling. 

Google Mobile Friendly Update


I have already posted a blog on History and Evolution of SEO, if you need more details you can visit my blog. 


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